Friday, August 23, 2013

The Secret to Success (Parashat Ki Tavo)

"It shall be that if you listen to the voice of Hashem, your G-d, to keep, to perform all of His commandments that I command you this day, then Hashem, your G-d, will make you supreme over all the nations of the earth.  All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you, if you listen to the voice of Hashem, your G-d:
Blessed shall you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the field.  Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb, and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your animals; the offspring of your cattle and the herds of your flocks.  Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading shall be only above and you shall not be below - if you listen to the commandments of Hashem, your G-d, that I command you today, to keep and perform..."
People always seem to be looking for the "secret" to being successful.  We attend workshops and seminars on how to improve our skills in whatever business we are in.  When introduced to an individual who has achieved great success, we bombard them with questions - quickly pulling out a pad and paper (okay, these days it's a smartphone) so that we can take notes on how they achieved "greatness."  We do all of these things and more in the hopes that we do will be successful.  However, it is all a big waste!
In this week's parasha, Hashem teaches us the "trick" to being successful not only in money and business, but in every aspect of our lives.  He makes us a promise that, if we keep and perform all of the commandments that he gave us, we will want for nothing in life!  Rashi comments earlier in the parasha  regarding the phrasing "that I command you this day," that on each day the commandments should appear new in our eyes as though Hashem is commanding them on that day.
Imagine, if we go through life with the mentality that today Hashem commanded me to keep the Torah (and He did!), we would have much less of a struggle in upholding it's laws.  And in return, Hashem would reward us by making us Kings and Queens of the world.  Truth be told, this should be no surprise to us!  Very often, when a person is in need of something (a recovery, help with parnassa. etc) he is instructed to take upon himself to improve in a particular mitzvah.  This parasha is the source for that instruction!  Everyone is always looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, well here it is!  Keep Hashem's commandments and you will be the richest person on earth!
May Hashem give us the strength and determination to uphold His commandments and, in return, may He keep His promise to provide us with blessing after blessing.  In addition, may He provide us with the greatest blessing of all - the coming of Mashiach speedily in our days!
Shabbat Shalom!!

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