Friday, November 23, 2012

The Power of Emunah (Parashat Vayeitzei)

I would like to begin by wishing a HUGE mazal tov to my sister and brother-in-law on the birth of their new daughter on Tuesday.  This weeks' D'var Torah is written in her honor.

Parashat Vayeitzei begins with Yaakov journeying to Haran.  Along the way, he comes upon a well where he meets Rachel.  She brings Yaakov home to her father Laban and, ultimately, an agreement is made for Yaakov to work seven years in exchange for Rachel as a wife.

Yaakov's seven years came and went quickly due to his love for Rachel.  He approached Laban and a wedding was made.  However, Laban tricked Yaakov and - instead of delivering Rachel - delivered Leah.  The next morning Yaakov realized he had been deceived.  But why didn't he realize it that night?  Rashi explains that Yaakov had given Rachel signs by which she could identify herself to him.  When Rachel saw Leah being brought to Yaakov, she didn't want Leah to be humiliated so she taught her the signs.

When Yaakov asked Laban why he gave him Leah, Laban explained that it wouldn't be appropriate to marry off his younger daughter before the older one.  He offers Yaakov to work another seven years and receive Rachel at that point - Yaakov agrees.

A few questions stand out to me:

- Yaakov teaches Rachel signs because he anticipated that Laban might try to trick him.  If so, why make a deal with him in the first place?

- Rachel loved Yaakov and was certainly upset that Leah was being given as a wife instead.  How did she manage to muster up the strength to teach her signs to Leah?

- After already being deceived once by Laban, why would Yaakov be willing to make another agreement with him?

Years ago, I had a co-worker who - on a Friday afternoon - walked out of the office to find that his car was missing.  He came back in and, with a calm voice and face, told us that his car had been stolen.  A third worker and I frantically ran outside to see what had happened.  The third worker and I went into a frenzy while the worker whose car was missing remained calm through it all.  Finally, the third worker turned to the one whose car was missing and yelled "your car was just stolen, how are you so calm about this??".  He replied "if this is what Hashem wants, what is me getting upset going to accomplish?"

WOW!!  What powerful words!!  This individual realized that, for whatever reason, Hashem willed it to be this way and - in the longrun - all would work it.  (It did work out, his car wasn't stolen - simply towed due to unpaid tickets by the previous owner)

The answer to my previously posed questions is that both Yaakov and Rachel had emunah in Hashem that whatever happened would be the way He wanted it - and so they went along with the plan.  If we could all live our lives on such a level, imagine how much happier we could be!!

My father a"h was niftar on February 19, 2012.  My niece was born on November 20, 2012 - exactly 9 months and 1 day later.  From this too, we see that just as Hashem takes a life, He gives ones as well and everything is done with a plan.

My niece was named Emunah - how appropriate!!

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