Friday, November 16, 2012

Choose Your Friends Wisely (Parashat Toldot)

This weeks' parasha - among other things - discusses Rivkas' pregnancy wifh Yaakov and Esav.  Apparently, it was a very difficult pregnancy.  Rashi explains that every time Rivka would pass by a House of Torah, Yaakov would toss and turn inside of her in an attempt to get out.  Every time she would pass by a House of Idol Worship, Esav would toss and turn inside of her in an attempt to get out.  While at face-value this makes sense - there is on aspect that bothers me...

We are taught that while a child is in his/her mother's womb, there is an angel with them teaching the entire Torah.  Upon birth, the angel touches the child just above the lip (that's the indentation we have) and all of the Torah is forgotten.  That being the case, it would seem that Yaakov had the greatest Rebbe one could ever ask for - so why would he be in such a rush to get out??

The answer is, while Yaakov may have had a great Rebbe - he had a horrible chavrusa!!  Yaakov knew that despite his great teacher, as long as he was learning alongside Esav he would never be able to grow.  From this we learn a very valuable lesson - the company we keep has a great impact on the people we become.

Shabbat Shalom!

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