Friday, April 11, 2014

Knowing What Counts (Parashat Acharei Mot)

"You shall observe My decrees and My judgments, which man shall carry out 
and live by them - I am Hashem."

The pasuk above is one of the commandments which is given to us by Hashem in this week's parasha - to live by the decrees and judgments that He gave us.  I can recall having many conversations, during my time both as a Rebbe in Yeshiva and working for NCSY, with students about how "difficult" (as they put it) it must be to be an observant Jew.  That insisted that living in such a manner was restrictive and prevented one from truly enjoying life.

At first glance, this week's parasha seems to prove them correct.  Indeed, Hashem tells us that we must live according to His ways - yes, that could be quite restrictive.  However, Rashi explains it a bit differently.  He states that the verse is not referring to living in the present world (Olam HaZeh), rather it refers to  living in the world to come (Olam HaBah).  Hashem promises us that, if we follow his commandments, we will enjoy a prosperous life in the world to come!

Though it is easy to lose focus of it, one must understand that this world is a temporary domain - simply a place to earn points to be "cashed in" in the next world.  That is what Hashem is trying to teach us this week - if we keep his mitzvot, we will have plenty of points to use in the next world and that is where we will enjoy life!!

May Hashem grant each of us the ability to differentiate between this world and the next. May we, in turn, utilize that ability and focus on the future - not the present.  In doing so, may we be zoche to see the coming of Mashiach speedily in our days!

Shabbat Shalom!!

P.S. - In response to my students, I would answer them that my life is not the slightest bit restrictive.  Rather, having a set path to live by only strengthens my ability to enjoy it!  Additionally, I would show them how each "law" that exists is there to enhance my life, not restrict it...

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