Friday, July 12, 2013

A New Beginning (Parashat Devarim)

This weeks parasha begins the final chapter in the Torah.  Moshe, under the instruction of Hashem, takes this as an opportunity to prepare Klal Yisrael for their final journey by reviewing with them everything they have done (both the good and bad) thus far and giving them some foresight into what is coming.

There exists a dating website - "" which, in its "about us" page, indicates that its name is derived from the midrash which teaches that every Jewish soul stood at Har Sinai - including yours!  Simply put, we were all present at the giving of the Torah - whether we remember it or not.

The pasuk begins: "These are the words that Moshe spoke to all Israel...".  Rashi comments "all Israel" teaches us that every Jew was present to hear the rebuke.  This way, nobody would be able to mock his brother for accepting the rebuke and argue"had I been there, I would have answered back."

So frequently I am bombarded with questions from students arguing that if Hashem would speak to them personally, they would accept His words.  The fact that He spoke to Klal Yisrael, they argue, is not sufficient.  In response to this and in conjunction with the midrash of Har Sinai, I would like to offer the following additional interpretation of "all Israel"...

Perhaps, the pasuk does not limit itself strictly to the Jews of the time when Moshe spoke.  Perhaps, similarly to every soul having been present at Har Sinai, Moshe's message was a message to ALL ISRAEL - a message to those present in that generation and for all generations to come!  If we interpret the pasuk in this light, we can appreciate much more the lesson that Moshe was teaching!!

May we all recognize that Moshe was speaking to all of us when he rebuked Klal Yisrael and may we internalize the message he was giving.  In doing so, may we merit to see the coming of Mashiach speedily in our days!

Shabbat Shalom!

*In addition to this week marking the beginning of a new chapter in the Torah, it also marks the beginning of a new chapter for Darchei Yitzchak - a wonderful organization founded in loving memory of my father, Yitzchak ben Nachum, a"h.

Darchei Yitzchak provides nightly Torah classes for High School and Post-High School boys and girls (respectively) as well as recreational activities (basketball for boys and baking for girls) thereby giving them an opportunity to learn more about their heritage in an informal setting and to questions that which they do not understand.

With an emphasis on the "why" and "how" of Judaism, the mission of Darchei Yitzchak is to instill in each of its students a belief in G-d and to teach them the foundations and reasons behind the laws of Judaism; enabling them to accept the Torah because they believe it is true - not because they are told it is.

Please visit our new website,, to learn more information about the organization and to see our schedule of programs (coming shortly).

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