Friday, February 8, 2013

Overcoming Our Desires (Parashat Mishpatim)

"And these are the judgments that you shall place before them."

Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Pshischa explains the words "that you shall place before them" to mean that we must put these laws before ourselves.  In other words, our human nature will be to do exactly what these laws are telling us not to -  we must overcome our nature and follow the laws.

Among these judgments is not to bear a meritless report.  Rashi explains this to mean that one should not accept a false report or malicious talk - gossip.  I often comment to my students that of all 613 mitzvot, I find that of Lashon Hara to be the most difficult.  Apparently, I have good reason for feeling that way!  This week's parasha, in accordance with Rav Simcha's interpretation, is teaching us that it is our human nature to speak about or listen to speech about others.  We must overcome this nature if we are to be the righteous people that Hashem wants us to be.

This past Wednesday marked my father's first yahrtzeit.  At his hascara I mentioned the above concept and spoke about how (in retrospect) good my father was at it.  Despite the Torah's telling us how it is human nature to want to hear gossip, it was my father's nature to not want to - it simply didn't interest him.

May Hashem give each of us the strength and ability to put His ways before ours and enable us to fulfill our role as the Chosen Nation.

Shabbat Shalom!

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